Quaid emphasised that Pakistan was not an end in itself but rather a means to an destination. He devoutly wished to make Pakistan "one of the greatest States in the world", progressive, economically vibrant, and cherishing democratic ideals. He regarded it as a sacred duty to alleviate the poverty of the masses and was implacably opposed to making rich richer and the poor poorer.
Pakistan came into existence as a result of successful democratic and constitutional struggle of the Muslims of South Asia against two imperials, British and Hindus, and its creators had sacrificed their all for the just cause so that their future generations could lead their lives in a fully independent State.
Quaid-i-Azam not only won us freedom but also gave us the vision about the path Pakistan had to traverse as state and earn its rightful place in the comity of nations. He epitomized his vision in a Broadcast talk on Pakistan to the people of United States in February 1948 in these words “The constitution of Pakistan has yet to be framed. I do not know what the ultimate shape of this constitution is going to be, but I am sure that it will be of a democratic type embodying the essential principles of Islam. Islam and its idealism have taught us democracy. It has taught equality of men, justice and fair play to every body. In any case Pakistan is not going to be a theocratic state, to be ruled by priests with divine mission. We have many non-Muslims, Hindus, Christians and Parsis but they are all Pakistanis. They will enjoy the same rights and privileges as any other citizen and will play their rightful part in the affairs of Pakistan”.In an interview with a foreign correspondent in 1945 he envisioned federal form of government and said” The theory of Pakistan guarantees that federating units of the national government would have all the autonomy that you will find in the constitutions of USA, Canada and Australia. His slogan of “Unity, Faith and Discipline” and the famous words uttered by him “United We Stand, Divided We Fall” are the pillars on which he wanted to erect the edifice that he envisioned. He was intensely aware of the fact that in a country with distinct cultural entities and regions, the only way Pakistan could move on the path towards its destiny successfully, was an impregnable unity among its people. He was conscious of the fact that building a nation into a vibrant and sustainable entity was much more arduous and thorny than the struggle to win freedom.As is evident from the foregoing, he wanted to construct Pakistan as a progressive democratic country, deriving strength and inspiration from the lofty Islamic principles of brotherhood, equality and fraternity of man that form basic points of our religion, culture and civilization; a country where the federating units enjoyed complete autonomy and acted in unison to strengthen the federation. Pakistan Resolution passed on 23rd March 1940, also unequivocally emphasized the point of making sure that the constitution of Pakistan guaranteed provincial autonomy and the protection of the religious, cultural, economic and political rights of the minorities. But regrettably the treatise and the testament bequeathed by the Quaid and the leaders of the Pakistan movement failed to find expression in the scheme of things that followed independence. There are no two opinions about the fact that the challenges that Pakistan faces today, specially terrorism and Islamic extremism, armed insurgency in Balochistan, and other fissiparous tendencies like sectarianism and provincialism, are the consequence of the disruption of the democratic process and the denial of provincial autonomy to the federating units; a criminal digression from the constitution and the vision bequeathed by our founding father.But it is heartening to note that the things have started moving in the right direction. Now that the democracy has been restored and the constitution re-invented in conformity with the vision of the Quaid, it is incumbent upon all the political forces to zealously guard these gains and desist from any move that could again jeopardize the march of the nation to its cherished goal.it is imperative for every Pakistani, particularly the politicians to introspect their conduct, shun politics of self-aggrandizement and renew their pledge and commitment to the vision of the Quaid. That is the only way Pakistan can surmount the present challenges and become one of the greatest nations of the world that Jinnah cherished and aspired for.
I have Some wishes for Pakistan What Pakistan have to be and what Pakistan is it now
First, I wish for minds that can deal with the complex nature of truth. Without minds engaged on this issue there cannot be a capacity for good judgment. And, without good judgment a nation will blunder from one mistake on to the next. Now, truth is a fundamental but very subtle concept. The problem is that things are usually not totally true or totally false. Still, some things are very true and others are very false … But these are quite easily established; separating true and false is often extremely difficult.
My second wish is for many more Pakistanis who accept diversity as a virtue
First, I wish for minds that can deal with the complex nature of truth. Without minds engaged on this issue there cannot be a capacity for good judgment. And, without good judgment a nation will blunder from one mistake on to the next. Now, truth is a fundamental but very subtle concept. The problem is that things are usually not totally true or totally false. Still, some things are very true and others are very false … But these are quite easily established; separating true and false is often extremely difficult.
My second wish is for many more Pakistanis who accept diversity as a virtue
unusualness, or ingenuity in something. If nurtured from an early age in children, it leads to great writers, poets, musicians, engineers, scientists, and builders of modern industries and institutions. No one can dispute that creativity is a good thing. But how come Pakistanis – with some important exceptions – have done so poorly on the world stage? Why are there only a dozen or two internationally known Pakistani inventors, scientists, writers, etc for a nation of 165 million people
First, we need to bring economic justice to Pakistan. This requires that it possess the working machinery of a welfare state. Economic justice is not the same as flinging coins at beggars. Rather, it requires organizational infrastructure that, at the very least, provides employment but also rewards according to ability and hard work.
Second, we must fight to give Pakistan’s women the freedom which is their birthright.The culture of suppressing women and excluding them from public life is spreading like wildfire. As our collective piety increases, the horrific daily crimes against women become still less worthy of comment or discussion.
Third, and last, we have to wake people up and get them politically engaged again. Young people have tuned into mindless FM entertainment and tuned out of participation in social causes. University campuses are empty of discussion and debate, and movements against manifest social and political injustice bring forth only handfuls of committed individuals… We have become cynical and think that nothing can be done. Today the military rules an apathetic nation.
This apathy must go, and can go. Last year’s earthquake galvanized people across the country. It broke the myth that we have stopped caring for each other. I have never seen Pakistanis give so wholeheartedly of their money, time, effort, and energy. Ordinary people, students, shop-keepers, businessmen…just about everybody pitched into the huge relief effort
Second, we must fight to give Pakistan’s women the freedom which is their birthright.The culture of suppressing women and excluding them from public life is spreading like wildfire. As our collective piety increases, the horrific daily crimes against women become still less worthy of comment or discussion.
Third, and last, we have to wake people up and get them politically engaged again. Young people have tuned into mindless FM entertainment and tuned out of participation in social causes. University campuses are empty of discussion and debate, and movements against manifest social and political injustice bring forth only handfuls of committed individuals… We have become cynical and think that nothing can be done. Today the military rules an apathetic nation.
This apathy must go, and can go. Last year’s earthquake galvanized people across the country. It broke the myth that we have stopped caring for each other. I have never seen Pakistanis give so wholeheartedly of their money, time, effort, and energy. Ordinary people, students, shop-keepers, businessmen…just about everybody pitched into the huge relief effort
How further time the nation need to understand the meaning of Unity, Faith & Discipline, 63 years have gone and Pakistan is at very critical position since independence. We have lost almost half in 1971, severe issues & crisis than ever i.e. Governance, Terrorism, Food security, unemployment, Resource Management, Communication, infrastructure, Education etc. A common Pakistani is in real trouble i.e. terror, poor means of livelihood and conditions of human rights, high inflation and restricted mobility. Rich is becoming richer and poor to poorest. The tensions & worries of a common man are increasing and terror greatly affecting the minds of individuals and put the nation in reverse gear on road to development. The thirst for more among nations and humans has disturbed the peace of the planet and especially of the region where we live.
Our weaknesses in management and focus on personal interests have greatly affected the religion, state and identity and are inviting others to dictate, interfere & influence. We are weak in understanding, planning, presenting, facilitating and responding accordingly to make life easier. We are good in papers but not with minds, not performing duties accordingly from top to bottom. Corruption is everywhere. The situation is getting worst, the more focus on personal interests than national interest has led the nation to the verge of collapse.
Pakistan has enough area, population, resources, four seasons, land to feed the masses in variety. We have structures, institutions and departments etc to manage the affairs. The problem is we are not sincere in understanding our duties as a Human, Muslim and Citizen of this country. We have to think seriously as the water is running out, our children are falling prey to terrorism. Think we are suffering badly. The Socioeconomic and political situation of the country beg the citizens for mercy, leaving bad habits, understand self importance and requests for greater participation & contribution from all walks of life as Pakistan is their identity. Presentation, representation and job description from top to bottom needs improvement and demand merit and qualities to be on track to development. We should focus on factors i.e. behaviors, attitudes, reflections, acceptance etc which result in developing our image in world community.
We have to accept and accommodate each other. Don’t forget we are Muslims and our base is on peace, we have to work for lessening the worries and enhance contributions in making this state a peaceful place to live & grow.
Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah referring to a passage in the Address of Welcome presented by the Divisional Superintendent and officers of the North-Western Railway on December 28, 1947 which stated, "we beg to assure you that we shall follow you through sunshine and fire", said:
"We are going through fire: the sunshine has yet to come. But I have no doubt that with unity, faith and discipline we will not only remain the fifth largest State in the world but will compare with any nation of the world. Are you prepared to undergo the fire? You must make up your mind now.