
Monday, April 23, 2012

Work is Worhip

Work is not a curse; it is prerogative of intelligence,the only means to manhood, and the measure of civilization---Calvin Coolidge
Work is indeed God’s gift .Without it life will become meaningless, a veritable, Work here, doesn’t stand for every sort of activity. Only useful and noble activity is blessed. Negative action is a curse. Work of Carlyle’s conception who is the author of the saying in question is something positive and constructive, howsoever, low or mean it may be in the eyes of the public. The sweeper’s work is as much sacred as that of any other professional. Joseph Conrad rightly remarked:”A man is a worker. If he is not he is nothing.” In fact, a man cannot live without work. Great men believe in work, hard work and long hours of work.
         A busy man is a healthy man. Idleness tells upon health. Intelligent rich men work nearly as hard as if they were poor, while the rich women for the most part keep themselves busy with innumerable, trifles of whose earthshaking importance they are firmly persuaded. Even the suprannauted persons do some sort of work in order to avoid boredom and sickness. Men do not breakdown from overwork but from worry and dissipation. Work always generates optimism. All growth depends upon activity. It is work that leads to self discovery and self-confidence.
In fact life is action and not contemplation Man‘s worth is only determined by his actions. Not only to know, but to act according to knowledge, is the destination of man. Mere brooding will not do; all ambitions are empty unless materialized. For example, Churchill was a man of action and he is immortal because of his actions. One should look before one leaps; but leaping is more important than looking. Life consists in leaping, rather than in looking. One should be a heroin the strife. One should work and work and work and in work forget worries and cares of his mortal existence. Work has an ennobling effect on man. A worker never fears any body.
One should work for the love of work and not for money only. Work man must. It will be better if he works gratefully and not grudgingly. He should work as a man and not as a machine. He should put his heart and soul into his work. In short, he should enliven it. Work done in the right spirit leads to happiness. Says Bertrand Russell, “consistent purpose is an almost indispensible condition of a happy life. And  consistent purpose embodies itself mainly in work.”
Those journalists who write as they feel derive more pleasure from their work than those who are forced to write insincerely and for those ideas which they don’t subscribe, for a few dollars.
According to Russell, one of the foremost thinkers of our time, two chief elements make work more interesting: first the exercise of skill and second construction. “Every man who has acquired some unusual skill enjoys it until it has become a matter of course”. A newly enrolled actor for three or four years takes a lyrical pleasure in doing his role. And then constructive work provides us with more joy than a destructive. In constructive work ‘’something is built up which remains as a monument when the work is completed”. Happy is the man who like Linen produces order out of chaos or who like Sir Sayyed Ahmed Khan goes from door to door bearing the torch of peace and non-violence before a war torn and disillusioned world. In destruction there may be joy, but that emerges from hate and is short-lived, and less satisfying though fiercer. Great artists and scientists do work which is in itself delightful.
So Carlyle is perfectly in the right when he says in ‘Past and Present’, “Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness”. But mind, an excess of work is always very painful. It should alternate with play, Longfellow, in the following lines, idealizes the working habit of The Village Blacksmith:
        Each morning sees some task begun,
        Each evening sees it close;
         Something attempted, something done,
          Has earned a night’s repose.
According to the Holy Quran”If any would not work, neither should he eat”.
Surely work is divine In the words of Rabindranath  Tagore, God is there where the tiller is tilling the hard soil and the path-maker is breaking the stones”.