Even if you have prepared, it won’t count if you don’t show up. Preparation doesn’t only include studying the course material, but also preparing the activities before, on and after the exam date.Near the time of the exam, your study focus should change and you should be engaging in the final last steps before the exam. The night before and during the day of the exam there are still critical things that students must do.
Examination Preparation
Appropriate exam preparation will cause you less anxiety and stress in the final review stage of exam preparation. If you have prepared for your exam and are confident that you have learned the material, you will be in a much better state walking into the exam.
The key to successful exam preparation is a consistent and regular revision of the study material, all night cramming sessions don’t work. Examinations require preparation and a methodical approach.
Some important points that the student should review are:
· Know What is Expected: Ensure that you understand the exam syllabus requirements.
· Plan and Prepare: Once you know what is expected, plan and prepare for each course. Make sure that your estimated amount of study time for each of the topics is correct. The final review is your last chance to catch-up on any areas that need more studying. Ensure that you acquire the level of understanding that you need to succeed on the exam.
· Course Material: The course material is the focal point in your studying. Ensure that all the required reading is completed and don’t skip classes or lectures. Some professors include a question or two on the exam with material that was only dealt with during the lectures. Make sure you review all your material.
· Revise and revise and revise: Master the course material by consistent and regular review.
Exam Day Guidelines: Stress and anxiety normally take over during the examination and students sometimes forget the basics. By remembering these few simple tips, you may be able to save yourself a lot of frustration and improve your marks
1. Relax and ensure a good nights sleep before the exam: It is vital to ensure that you get enough sleep the night before. Your mental ability and alertness are affected by the amount of sleep you have.
2. Dress appropriately: Your dress should be comfortable according to weather
3. Make sure you carry all the required material with you, most important of which is your roll number slip.
4. .Arrive early: Reduce anxiety by arriving early. Spend the extra time practicing relaxation techniques and reviewing your material.
5. Don’t review new material: If you are trying to remember new material just before your exam, it will make you anxious and frustrated. If you become anxious and frustrated, you’ll be worse off. If you find you have time to spare before the exam, rather revise ‘old’ material.
6 . Don’t talk about the exam: Try to avoid talking to other students about what is on the exam. Exam speculation also causes anxiety and additional stress.
7. Use visualization and academic anxiety strategies: Spend a few minutes on relaxation exercises and preparing the mind for the exam.
8. Make sure you have a comfortable seat or get it changed by requesting the management.
9.Identify your exam: Make sure you sit on the right seat allocated for you.Write down your roll number and other required data carefully on the answer sheets where required.
10. Read the question paper carefully once or twice and make sure you understand fully what has been asked.Select the question according to the limits of choice given. Then start with the one you can do best.
11. Read the directions carefully: ‘Describe’ and ‘define’ would be answered differently. Make sure you understand and read all directions carefully
12. Budget your time: Watch your time carefully to ensure that you have enough remaining to complete the exam
13. Stay for entire exam: Use all the time provided to review the exam if you finish early.
14. Ignore other students: It shouldn’t matter if students are leaving the examination early or if there is a commotion in the examination room. Focus on your exam and don’t be distracted by others.
15. Don’t rush: Exams are generally written to provide the student adequate time to complete it. Answer the question right the first time. Only review the question a second time if you have enough time.
I am sure if you keep these points in mind the result day will be YOUR DAY INSHA ALLAH