In a person’s life, there is a series
In a person’s life, there is a series
Some are easy and some are hard
Therefore, here is something to say with a smile.
A variety of exams and tests
Helps us to be our best.
Examination is the major way to assess the acquired knowledge, level of understanding and the various ways in which the acquired knowledge skill,capability that can be applied in different situations.examination is the test of valuation of development of dormant qualities,physical as well as mental.it is a means of ascertaining as to how much the hidden faculties and power shave risen above the surface,how much one has succeeded in developing a sound mind in a sound body.It is a means to test the knowledge & proficiency of a student in certain subjects acquired by him within a certain time limit.It is a measuring-rod to determine the progress the student has made.
worthy judges,
A student looks forward to his examination not as a solemn ordeal which he is compelled to go through with the prospect of a degree should he be successful, but as a means of showing his teacher and his fellows how much he has profited by the work he had done.those who pursue knowledge in this spirit will look forward to examination with no apprehension.It is a necessary step for the student in gaining self assurance and the conviction of having profited by his exertions and for a teacher as a means of insuring that his instruction has not been profitless to his students.
"examination is a milestone on the road of knowledge"
Examination inculcates the spirit of hard work. In the absence of examination students will lack the initiative to creative work,he will shun hard work and his progress will be slow & aimless.
It is only through the examination that the best are selected for the choicest vocations in life. A selection without examination is a Hob son's choice and might result into filling a square peg in a round hole. Examination is the only machinery for shifting out the different kinds of degrees of capacity of the nation.
examination is a must in all spheres of life. How can we do without an examination? Life in itself is a big examination. Almighty Allah has sent us to this world for assessing our faith and the result of this lifelong assessment will surely be shown to us one day..and we shall be doomed to Jannah or Jahannam according to how we attempt this test in our worldly life.Similarly at every footstep we have to face certain tests. The success is always marked with dignity and honor in all the examinations of life. Examinations add to our ability, power of toleration, perseverance and other good qualities. examinations is not only necessary but it is also a blessing.
Those who fear the examination are those who are lazy and avoid hard work. The students and parents must take exams sincerely without a competitive mentality, but at the same time ensuring that the students do their best.
We must encourage self motivation rather than stressful compulsory mode of learning by heart and repeating.
Exams are a way of testing the knowledge and skill of students. Scoring high marks is not the only goal. If some students can not perform well in certain exams ,it doesn't mean that they are dull or examination has not assessed them well,rather these students might have different aptitude that means they might be quite good in some other subjects & mind you ma'am selection of subjects or profession is again TESTED by very popular aptitude tests.whenever they get a chance to work in the field of their interest they show excellent results.
Life today has become so complex that examinations have come to play an important part in one’s educational career.
The ability to pass an examination is indeed a valuable quality. It shows that the student is able to express his thought and ideas to a manner others can understand. It also shows that the student has acquired a certain amount of knowledge in some branches
of study. Besides, the mind of a student, receives good exercise when he prepares for an examination. A student’s success in an examination, therefore, helps employers and others to assess his mental or general ability.
If there were no examinations, most scholars would have been less informed than they are today. Examinations compel students to read as mush as they can, and as they do so, they absorb knowledge unconsciously. Further, because of examinations; teachers
have to confine themselves to the syllabuses which are aimed at imparting knowledge in a systematic manner, and thus develop mental discipline So result of an examination not only shows the capabilities of students but those of teachers are also assessed that how far he has been successful in delivering certain required knowledge to his students.
Examinations are therefore an important part of academic studies.
Having to face an examination forces students to study and acquire basic facts and formulas, thereby guaranteeing that they have in store the necessary theoretical knowledge relative to the subjects in their syllabus.
Another important point in favour of examinations is that they provide a good dose of healthy stress and anxiety that is marvellous training for the hurdles and challenges to be overcome in real life. In addition, examinations are no doubt a strong source of legitimate pride for students because they are the clear and undisputed testimony of their achievement in school.
Good examinations, however, which tests both academic knowledge and the student’s ability to transfer that knowledge to practical use, are the staple of any sound and worthwhile education system and cannot be dispensed with.
The value of course work is little when compared to the strict standards and well-defined rules of legitimate tests and examinations. I like to think of exams as opportunities to improve, they help identify what you need to improve to be better next time. This means the more exams you sit the better you get!
I would like to emphasise on the point that failure in one annual exam is not at all failure in life.one should take it positive and prepare more enthusisastically next time thinking that HE HAS NOT FAILED HIS SUCCESS IS JUST POSTPOND
With diligent .
An individual can take charge.
It has been proven the sacrifice
Of time is often the price to pay.
But how happy you are
On graduation day!
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